23 Apr'19

The Shlangenz specialists have updated the user manual for drill hoses.

The Shlangenz specialists have updated the user manual for drill hoses.

The hoses service life depends largely on the workers' actions, their accuracy, knowledge of the careful operation basics.

Thus, the Shlangenz specialists together with the specialists of the large Russian drilling company developed the first series of the complete and accurate user manual for drill hoses. The document includes 7 sections: description and operation, use, maintenance, transportation, storage, disposal and warranty. The new manual expanded the list of safe and lean operation methods, including additional hoses strapping methods, detailed description of proper storage technology in accordance with the Russian standards.

Shlangenz Company supplied a new manual copy with each hose supplied to a customer.


Manufacture period


Standard products

available on stock (in 30% of cases)


Specific requirements

additional design engineering




For typical service conditions



It depends on technical and specific service conditions. The warranty period may be extended (in some cases up to 20 years) upon approval of all technical specifications and service conditions for the product.

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